Vehicles and Tools pack from version 22 rewritten to version 25. Machines from companies starting with letters L-M:
Landini - Serie7RoboSix
Lemken - Zzurit9, Karat12, Solitair23
Lizard - Pickup1986, Swt7
LodeKing - DistinctionSuperB
Mack - Pinnacle
Magsi - WheelLoaderShovel
Mahindra - Retriever
Man - Tgs18500, Tgx26640
Manitou - Mc18, Mlt625, Mlt737
MasseyFerguson - dDynaFlex9255, Ideal, IdealPL, PowerFlow, pPowerFlow30FT, Series5S, Series6S, Series8S
MasseyFerguson - Series3670, Series3700AL, Series4700M, Series6700S, Series7710S, Series7720S
MasseyFerguson - Baler4160V by MR Modding
McCormick - x7VTDrive
Check out my other vehicle packs and let me know what you think.
- Ideal - trailer fill trigger (sorry KASE94 that it took so long)
- collisions of all vehicles
- loading triggers, refueling triggers, in case of problems get out and get into the vehicle
- color selection for vehicles
- mushroom grain storage effect for combines
modDesc fix