The Volvo LH 120 & 180 wheelloaders are perfect for construction and agriculture.
Volvo LH 120:
Price: $252.000
Tank capacity: 270 liters
Power: 276 hp
Weight: 19,5 tons
Speed: 50 kph
- Left door can be opened
Configurations LH 120:
- Maincolor
- Rimcolor
- Warningsigncolor
- Designcolor
- Beaconlight
- Warninglight
- Speedsticker
- Warningsticker
- Tire variations (Construction and Agriculture)
- Gearbox (Manual and CVT), (40/50 kph)
Volvo LH 180:
Price: $296.000
Tank capacity: 366 liters
Power: 333 hp
Weight: 26,9 tons
Speed: 40 kph
Configurations LH 180:
- Maincolor
- Rimcolor
- Warningsigncolor
- Designcolor
- Beaconlight
- Warninglight
- Speedsticker
- Warningsticker
- Tire variations (Construction and Agriculture)
- Gearbox (Manual and CVT)
- Safetyframe