I've been live almost all day with streaming while I made more stuff on the map. Seldom I get the chance to do so, so it was great fun, and at the same time productive.
I mostly focused on fixing some placeables, placing them and preparing the grain mill and vehicle shop areas.
I am so hyped for this!! :D So unbelievably grateful!! Full sized port might be too much to hope for. Stå på, Ola! Tusen takk for alt du gjør :)
I'm working on creating a small version of Rennebu for FS25, and it will be both for PC and console.
The map is only 1/16th of the original map, but I'll do my best to fit some productions, sawmill, grain mill and such in there.
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editor car j'aimerais bien commencer a faire une maps mais je ne trouve
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passer un coup surf mon compte j'est degat faite une maps et j'aimerais
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