This Work-In-Progress has been archived. This may be due to a long period of inactivity or due to the author's decision. We cannot know if it will be updated again later or not.
Pack Irrigation FS 25 conversion FS 22 (Beta) Update
fix Bug Corrected problem
Fixed Texture issue
Updated Trigger and Collesion FS Version 25
Irrigation Pack contains the Caprari and the Claber FS 22 conversion
they are conversions of FS 15 obviously so we try to improve the textures better anyway it sprays herbicide and fertilizer we are not sure that the developer wants to publish it now we heard that he wants to remodel it
So lange es im Spiel nicht Integriert ist wird es nix bringen Giants muss erst mal das mit ins Spiel bringen sonnst ist es ebend nur Sinnlose Deco. Die Idee ist gut
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