for explanation I changed my PC at Christmas and I recovered the wrong file I had 2moules.i3d and I only recovered the first one with the plan so I'm starting everything again I'm going to do as much as possible today to catch up on my error the map will be released without any date just the map when first released will have no traffic because I have not yet configured it if someone configured it contact me on discord: laieox
I present to you the map a corner of Camargue in a village called Moulès the village really exists after this map I will launch into a second map called saliers which is also in Camargue my more towards the heart of Camargue.
I am a beginner modder I have just started no criticism please I will take any advice
I don't prefer to give a release date for the moment
bonjour j'adors ton travail je voulais savoir si tu est actif sur la map et si tu allais faire que la camarge merci et courage
courage ont attend tous ta map francaise ou belge je vois pas trop ou c est mais c est bien les mapeur qui fonts des map qui ressemble a un village de campagne