Good evening to all, in this new update on the return of the Lamborghini R6, I focused on the interior of the tractor, I redone the steering base, the investor, the pedals, the gearbox, the floor and the internal structure of the cabin.
I hope to end up this project as soon as possible so that you all can use this tractor in your fields.
Greetings and see you in the next update.
Good evening everyone, in this new update on the return of the Lamborghini R6, I added: the work lighthouses, the arrows, the braking lights, I redone the engine, also renovated all the back of the tractor, including the rear bridge, the rear mudguards, the tanks and the stairs.
I hope to end up this project as soon as possible so that you all can use this tractor in your fields.
Greetings and see you in the next update.