My 2nd South Dakota map for FS25!
Sonne Farms farm is in Farming Simulator 25! It's a 1x PC only map with a few changes. The 3 main buildings I also made into separate placeables, each with a workshop trigger. They will be released as a pack, after testing. The one with the Arrowquip has a workshop trigger AND has cattle pens on the side and inside-first in Farm Sim. Not including that shed, the map has a capacity of 1000 critters, including the pastures down the road. To get to 3 other pastures in the back of the farm, you'll have to drive through others. Map ONLY has Black Angus, Black White Face, and Hereford cattle beacuse that's want Brian and Cole raise. Don't ask why horses(or other animals) don't work. Farmlands are in, In-game Contracts are custom on this map, like my other maps, and are from Brian, Cole, and Uncle Jeff.
Sellpoint-No sellpoint in real-life on this location so I added the ones from my Storla, SD map, The grain bins(auger needed to sell into them) and Poet. Poet is West of the farm. There's currently some space available for you to use your own placeables, that might change later on. Some placeables ruin the feel of a map, especially one based on a real location.
Buypoint-I added one. The starting point is in front of the "Office".
Crops-currently has the same new crops as my other maps but that may change to fewer crops to match what Sonnes farm. Fields are 95% accurate.
Traffic-No traffic, as my traffic vehicles cause accidents(roads need to be adjusted before running traffic).
I even made a Slappy to move critters from one lot to another. Sonne tractors are coming into the game for a 3rd time. Some equipment is coming.
Propellets are back as well!
New Sonne NPCs added, Mitchell Livestock Marketing and Arrowquip chutes. My Creep feeders, Feeder Wagons, are needed to feed in the grazing pastures when all grazed. Sonne Slappy as well for moving critters. Also working on all Brian's tractors for the 3rd game now. Have some equipment in game now--Sooner Cattle Trailer and Parker Grain Cart to name a few. There's also a few animated Wind Breaks in some feedlots(also made into a separate mod). My bunker silo for cracked corn does not have to get covered but you have that option, it stays as cracked corn anyway.