After fixing Osina map to playble state, i started working on this map that is from empty 4x platform
At the moment, map it self still does not have name for it, but will have it in near future.
Map is based on:
But it has some changes in Fields shapes, sizes, and overall amount of fields
At the moment:
140 different sizes of the fields, from around 1ha up to around 30ha
Finished most of the main roads, fields paths
Added forest areas
Built few non usable farms for view itself
Built fully working shop
Marked areas for farms, sellpoints ect
At the moment there is 3 farmlands fior farms building, that will most likely will be built from ModHub buildings
Still needs to be done:
Finish rest of the roads, sideroads
Paint over some left over image of "Real Terrain"
Add rest of the trees for forest areas (Some forest areas still need abit of work on edges of it like adding few more trees)
Build village
Build buildings for farms, sellpoints and make them usable
Fix PDA (Minimap) image
To add traffic cars, npc people, road signs ect
And some other small things that still need to be done
Thats it for now if you have questions you can ask in the comments