

0 subscribers


Alexandor Alexandor commented a mod

The last update broke the mod.
When finishing the contract, the upper right text about it appears in german.
Adding to that, on contracts screen I do not see right now what product I must harvest less navigating to the contract itself. Only appears "Harv"

Alexandor Alexandor commented a mod

Remove /Dependencies and then I will change my 1 star vote.

Alexandor Alexandor commented a mod

Does anybody knows why Ampliroll or the industrial containers starts to rotate by itselfs?
I left them perfectly centered but then they appears rotated.

Alexandor Alexandor commented a mod

How many bales can store?

Alexandor Alexandor commented a mod

The flex cover mesh coverage is just cosmetic or it's functional?

Alexandor Alexandor commented a mod

Beautiful machinery that do not even works.