Bad Pixie Design

Bad Pixie Design

34 subscribers


Bad Pixie Design Bad Pixie Design commented a mod

It looks ok, but the log is full of errors and warnings, in addition to whatever is going on with the camera. Pretty much unplayable. Save yourself a download.

Bad Pixie Design Bad Pixie Design replied to a comment on a mod

Warning: Material with id 1 not found in shape 'tipCollision'.
Warning: Material with id 2 not found in shape 'waterTankLevel02'
Warning: Material with id 1 not found in shape 'fillTrigger'.

@criss20ster That will need GE to fix. Once it drops, I'll look after it.

Bad Pixie Design Bad Pixie Design replied to a comment on a mod

Bonjour serait il possible d'ajouté l'herbicide je sais que une drôle d'idée mais ce serais pratique pour les vignes 

@Jill Sous le capot, c'est techniquement un pulvérisateur, donc ça devrait être possible. Donne-moi quelques jours.

Bad Pixie Design Bad Pixie Design replied to a comment on a mod

I have another error in game  

@criss20ster a different error or the same error? the v1.0.0.1 update is in review and should be available soon.