Barba Kostas

Barba Kostas

0 subscribers


Barba Kostas Barba Kostas commented a mod

Super mod my friend.
Thanks for sharing.
Sound is awesome!!!

Barba Kostas Barba Kostas replied to a comment on a mod
Barba Kostas

Nothing fixed. Invisible collisions near farms still exists. Tractor can't move near cow shed. Plant decals still appearing after removing cow shed...
Dude, are you sure you're Oxy???

@Astina 😁

Barba Kostas Barba Kostas commented a mod

Nice convertion. Works fine. Thanks for sharing. ....who gives a 🖕 about the Castle...

Barba Kostas Barba Kostas commented a pack

Nice set up.
Works fine.
I just add the Old Manure Heap from Blacksheep Modding to the Buffalos.
Thanks for sharing. 👍️

Barba Kostas Barba Kostas replied to a comment on a mod
Barba Kostas

Nothing fixed. Invisible collisions near farms still exists. Tractor can't move near cow shed. Plant decals still appearing after removing cow shed...
Dude, are you sure you're Oxy???

@Duckfarmer As a matter of fact, after the namechange, I redownload the map & start a new profile.  When tried to delete  cow shed & neiboring buildings  all described fixes works fine.  No plant decals remaining...

Barba Kostas Barba Kostas replied to a comment on a mod
Barba Kostas

Nothing fixed. Invisible collisions near farms still exists. Tractor can't move near cow shed. Plant decals still appearing after removing cow shed...
Dude, are you sure you're Oxy???

@Astina  If you  insist that you created a new savegame  & all above described was really fixed, I will send my 2500€ MSI laptop to fly from my balcony......