sa ma soule les lien workupload ne marche jamais pour moi 😢
Try this one here
Est ce que on doit s'arreter?
yes, this isn´t the vicon fastbale
I am encountering glitches with the f550, it would constantly ask me to "YOU FIRST NEED TO FILL THE TOOL" every time I attempt to start the baler, my question is what it needs to be filled with in order for it to work?
supposedly, when you fill the baler, two bale net will appear behind the melases, but try to fill molases, and after desattache the baler and try fill up the balenet again.
I am encountering glitches with the f550, it would constantly ask me to "YOU FIRST NEED TO FILL THE TOOL" every time I attempt to start the baler, my question is what it needs to be filled with in order for it to work?
you need to fill the molases anda the rollnets form Krone srtw dlc
bonjoules agriculteurs de l'archipel des Açores ses ou???
salut le les deux jd ses quoi
For 6x10 series is this here
salut le les deux jd ses quoi
all public, sorry I mistook a question