

0 subscribers


christian1920 christian1920 commented a mod

which map is this?

christian1920 christian1920 commented a mod

which map?

christian1920 christian1920 commented a mod

which map is this?

christian1920 christian1920 commented a mod

which map is this?

christian1920 christian1920 commented a mod

which map is this?

christian1920 christian1920 commented a mod

which is the map?

christian1920 christian1920 commented a mod

could you do it with the possibility to load other tractors ?

christian1920 christian1920 commented a mod

Where I can find that disc cultivator?

christian1920 christian1920 replied to a comment on a mod

Il solco dell’aratura così come altre lavorazioni non seguono l’andamento dell’attrezzo. Mappa bellissima stra giocata sul 19!

Dove posso mandarti delle foto così ti faccio vedere (non ho le impostazioni grafiche al minimo)