

7 subscribers


creepy creepy commented a mod

Paradni Prace Kamarade pokračuj v tom co dělaš :D

creepy creepy commented a mod

hello can you please fix round cab lights? they doesnt work

creepy creepy commented a mod

hi i have question will you make zetor crystal 16045? from fs22 to fs25?

creepy creepy commented a mod

i have one question can you please fix rear wheel hub it doesnt rotate with wheels its on verdestein

creepy creepy commented a mod

very good mod thank you for this man i really like it keep up with editing and modding

creepy creepy commented a mod

thank you so much its good now :D
keep up

creepy creepy commented a mod

hello the front and rear lights doesnt work please fix it its pretty nice mod

creepy creepy replied to a comment on a mod

hello the mod doesnt show up in mods

okay thank you man :D

creepy creepy commented a mod

hello the mod doesnt show up in mods

creepy creepy replied to a comment on a mod

Noice!! Maybe the RTS series next? 👍

i think it would be pretty nice RTS Series