

48 subscribers


DanielloHQ DanielloHQ replied to a comment on a mod

Nice one, it only need the chassis color warning to be fixed so can change colors, and it's perfect. It use the vehicle shader mods? I found the most difficult part in converting mods for 25, it seems to remove or miss most or all the multi material slots.

@IllGib  yes, it use custom vehicle shader.

DanielloHQ DanielloHQ replied to a comment on a mod

Fajny Bizon wszystko Dziala :) tylko Naprawic Warning xml i bedzie bardzo Fajne

@P1XA 3er wgl nie działa? Czy już w samej grze coś nie działa?

DanielloHQ DanielloHQ replied to a comment on a mod

Can't get milk out, trigger doesnt work :( Tried with different tanker, mods and base game, none of them work. Any update soon so we can get the milk out? 

Also, i placed a manure heap close to the barn, but when i sve my multi game and go back in, the manure heap is not connected to it anymore so it stop producing manure.

@DanielloHQ Manure problem, is from giants. Also disconnected from orginal cowbarn.
But on my version of game patch ( milk trigger work fine. For any type of milk.