quick question...how do yall make the gooseneck work? ive tried all 3 options for attachers with all wheel and bed combinations. is there a work around to this?
@EGAVASxRD You only need to either select the hitch option with the 6in drop or the 10in drop. Bed option does not matter. They work with the without bed option. Everything works on our mod as intended. It has been thurly tested. Works with all trailers except 3 point hitch and semi trailers. all normal goose neck trailers work. All normal hitch pull type trailers work. Heck you can even plow your fields with it if you wanted too. Hope this helps. We stream on our YouTube channel m-f and have proof there is no problems with our mod and that everything works. We even have a how to install our mod correctly video. Happy farming.
how fuel trigger option work ?? i cant figured ... i fill truck bed tank and a put truck closely other machine and i cant refill other machine !
@Martincat4 you must choose capacity option 2. then when a vehicle needs refueled be next to it and inside the truck and you should see the prompt to hit your I key to refuel.
Love the truck, its a perfect fit for my ranch, and the addition of the Yellowstone logo is awesome. Only problem ive noticed is when turning left the sway bar on the front of the truck turns with it and "disconnects" from the rest of the suspension. But beyond that visual thing its been working great for me!
@GrimmLoq We don't know how you can still see it for in version it has been totally removed from the mod. What set of wheels are you using when you see it? We have tested all wheels versions and the bar is no longer on the mod.
im new to updating mods and everything and i've been reading responses trying to figure it out and i'm confused and i apologize. when i want the newer version of this mod do i delete the older version and just reinstall the mod as the newer one? am i supposed to keep the older version and put the newer version in that folder somehow? i tried the deleting older version and install new one but in the game it says its installed but i cant use it so i assume that's not right. if someone could please let me know the correct way to update a mod in your folders i would greatly appreciate it and it would help me for future mods as well. again i'm new to thing and i understand the basics to installing them just not updating them, thanks again for the help!
@zxvrii you simply download the mod make sure before downloading that the mod is not in your download folder. If our mod is not present in your download folder You download our mod. Then once you have downloaded the mod you simply move the mod zip folder from your download folder to your fs25 mods folder. A prompt should come up asking if you want to replace the file just click yes. Done. Simple and easy.
is there any way to remove the tie rod bar on the front axle, when you turn all the way to the left the bar is connected to the driver side wheel but not the passenger so the bar sticks out the front of the truck when you turn. thanks for the mod though great job!
@Ford F Tree50 We don't know how you can still see it for in version it has been totally removed from the mod. What set of wheels are you using when you see it? We have tested all wheels versions and the bar is no longer on the mod.