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6 subscribers
GRamerDim replied to a comment on a mod

Hmm dashboard looks like my, let’s see the xml file…

how rude! he is english

GRamerDim rated a mod
GRamerDim commented a mod

very nice 👍

GRamerDim replied to a comment on a mod

Why are there no buildings on the farm?

the buildings on the fs19 version were separate peaceable mods

GRamerDim rated a mod
GRamerDim commented a mod

where is he?

GRamerDim replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

Salut le Scania est privé ?

why don't you have public prices?

GRamerDim commented a mod

we done got house edits in fs 💀

GRamerDim commented a mod

what is "german" about it?

GRamerDim rated a mod
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