HD SchieteBueddl

HD SchieteBueddl

8 subscribers

Bin ein Modder aus der schönen Heide in Norddeutschland.
Ich habe mich schon immer für die Landwirtschaft interessiert und spiele seit 2021


HD SchieteBueddl HD SchieteBueddl commented a mod

Hey Raider,I am the leader of HighDezign (German Moddingteam)if you need help at the Sitno,I can help you,but I am working at Dalchau an other Map project.Contact me when you need help.That is my Discord Server but it’s a German server,I’ll contact u when you’re joined the server! (“https://discord.gg/MXB3tHYV ”). 

HD SchieteBueddl HD SchieteBueddl commented a mod

Jo Meister the rear support tire is a little bit crooked!?

HD SchieteBueddl HD SchieteBueddl replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

how many km² is this map giong to have?

@GRamerDim That‘s because KingMods did that for Ingame pictures in the original format!

HD SchieteBueddl HD SchieteBueddl commented a Work-In-Progress

Nice Junge

HD SchieteBueddl HD SchieteBueddl replied to a comment on a mod

А как же TerraLifePlus?


HD SchieteBueddl HD SchieteBueddl commented a mod

Is RowCrop built in?

HD SchieteBueddl HD SchieteBueddl replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

Will it become public?

Yes,but it’s just a project,which will be not published before next summer.Ive got more project actually!

HD SchieteBueddl HD SchieteBueddl replied to a comment on a mod

what is "german" about it?

The light is typical in north Germany,bright and colourful,just visit Germany then you’ll see!