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hydrtml hydrtml rated a mod
hydrtml hydrtml rated a mod
hydrtml hydrtml rated a mod
hydrtml hydrtml replied to a comment on a mod

Why is it not working in the game?

@Frederikonlyedit I edited it again, created it as a zip again but it didn't work. It sees all the other mods but not the one you did. Can you make a new edit and add an extra download link here?

hydrtml hydrtml replied to a comment on a mod

Why is it not working in the game?

@Frederikonlyedit My game is up to date and original. There is no other 6R mode. I will try again but it doesn't work.

hydrtml hydrtml commented a mod

Why is it not working in the game?

hydrtml hydrtml commented a mod

Thank you my friend. I like the originals but I will try your work as well. Good work...

hydrtml hydrtml commented a mod

Hello, successful work. I tested it myself. It is very successful, but camera viewing angles should be adjusted and vehicle options should be increased. For example: You are too close to the windshield inside the cabin.

hydrtml hydrtml commented a mod

People can already install Reshade themselves. There's no point in throwing this away. A completely empty post..!