@Anto35farmer www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7ejlA2A7Po
@Guillaume77400 no, no risks... you can easyily uninstall if something is wrong, which it wont...
IMPORTANT: If you want normal tire physics: In the "Install" folder, go to the "data" folder. There is a folder named "shared". Delete it and re-install the pack normally!
WICHTIG: Wenn ihr normale Reifen Physik haben wollt: In dem "Install" Ordner in den "data" Ordner ist ein Ordner namens "shared". Löscht diesen und re-installiert das Pack normal!
@Kreatos79 If you open the install folder you will see the data folder that you use to install the textures. in this data folder there is a folder called shared, in wich are the tire physics... if you delete this folder and reinstall the pack the tire physics will be normal...