

79 subscribers


MasterMods MasterMods replied to a comment on a mod

So i can finally use a subsoiler for plowig contracts?

@IllGib Subsoiler for Plowing Contracts is now out, it's still being reviewed by Kingmods but you can find it before then if you follow the link to download Work Anywhere and look at the other mods then view all mods in the top right

MasterMods MasterMods commented a mod

Apologies to anyone who downloaded the mod prior to this comment, there was an old version of the files packaged in the mod, the download has now been updated and should be working!

MasterMods MasterMods replied to a comment on a mod

So i can finally use a subsoiler for plowig contracts?

@IllGib I'll take a look later if it would be easy enough to add that functionality with scripts, failing that it's easy to mod an individual subsoiler to work as a plow