Mommy Khaos

Mommy Khaos

0 subscribers


Mommy Khaos Mommy Khaos replied to a comment on a mod

never make everyone happy, but there is nothing special here. ultra boring map and fields and too many required mods. meh

@MelonMuncher420 Bruh the map is literally called Kansas

Mommy Khaos Mommy Khaos replied to a comment on a mod
Mommy Khaos

Hey, the placeables link is dead

nvm it was just firefox

Mommy Khaos Mommy Khaos commented a mod

Hey, the placeables link is dead

Mommy Khaos Mommy Khaos replied to a comment on a mod

A version with directional rear wheels would be great.

WHAAAAT???? You're telling me that an area that has minimal elevation change and large straight roads, conditions that encourage high gear ratios to save on fuel, makes trucks that don't perform as well in different conditions??? And then you as a person decides to just ignore that said mountainy areas actually do exist in that area and encourages different configurations of vehicles??? Color me shocked!

Mommy Khaos Mommy Khaos commented a mod

Link is dead

Mommy Khaos Mommy Khaos replied to a comment on a mod
RedPanda SR5

I can't place any of the production sites included because they will not load, is there a fix for this?

its an AJ DEERE mod, sooooooo probably not. He's good at making truck mods, but his map skills are lacking.

Mommy Khaos Mommy Khaos commented a mod

Wonder where the mod maker ever went, cuz this mod is really good but they seem to have disappeared

Mommy Khaos Mommy Khaos replied to a comment on a mod
Mommy Khaos

Yo dude, you put the download file into your trash on GDrive, so now its no longer accessible

you may need to edit the link and relink it

Mommy Khaos Mommy Khaos commented a mod

Yo dude, you put the download file into your trash on GDrive, so now its no longer accessible

Mommy Khaos Mommy Khaos replied to a comment on a mod

why can´t i download the pack

because this is an old version, if you go to the youtube channel they have uploaded the june modpack