

35 subscribers

I’ve loved gaming for as long as I can remember, and I’ve always enjoyed customizing my games to make them more fun and personal. Recently, I’ve started diving into more complex modding, learning new tools and techniques to bring my ideas to life.

One of my favorite parts of creating mods is the graphic design work—I love making icons, textures, and all the little details that make a mod look polished and complete. I’m still learning and growing as a modder, but I’m excited to share my creations and keep improving along the way!


MonsterModding MonsterModding commented a mod

Hello, i am currently testing a custom 4x map with a very large main farm. Is there a limit to field sizes Courseplay can generate a course for? The log shows the game finding the points for the shape  of the field but no vines appear when i press c to generate them. However, when i try smaller fields i can get a course to generate. I am wondering if the field being 1900 acres is a bit much, base game ai and Courseplay seem to be unable to produce a generatea course.

MonsterModding MonsterModding replied to a comment on a mod

bonjours vous pourriez ajouté au mod l'herbe et le foins si possibles ?

@barlier64 Hello! Hay and Straw work already, just grass then?