Straße an Feld 21 hat extreme Schlaglöcher da könnte man Teiche raus machen ^^. Kann man das fixen ?
Und könnte man evtl. ein paar mehr Verkaufsstellen für zb. Holzbalken oder kauf stellen für Zement einfügen ?
@LyreX Wie wöre es mit Versionshinweise lesen? Verkaufstellen kann ich mir nochmal anschauen, ob ich das nache weiß ich nicht.
hello, c est normal qu on ne sait pas avoir de fumier a la stabulation des vaches? je n ai ni fumier dans le silo a fumier, et impossible d en avoir sous le tuyau a l arriere. merci
@BigGreg34 Yes, that's a known Giants issue.
This is a really good map (my favourite) but the cow barn with robot feeder simply will not produce milk. It says it does on the stats, but no milk appears. I tried everything. I even built another bard (using a different mod) and I couldn't move the cows. It just said "No animals to transport or sell." This is only a small thing, and I hope it gets fixed because I really do love this map.
@SteveGad Hello,
I can't fix anything here, as everything works perfectly for me. The water buffaloes and cows are producing milk for me. What isn't being produced is manure, but that's a GIANTS problem.
Il campo 9 ha smetto di essere utilizzabile. Ne l'operaio ne il gps lo riconosce. Dopo averlo usato per fare erba durante l'inverno è sparita la possibilità di poterlo coltivare. il gioco da anche missioni su di esso ma non viene piu visto dal aiutante del IA. Grazie, perchè mi piace molto questa mappa.
@trevor8710 I’ll take a look at it, but I think it’s more likely a Giants issue.