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OozyProduct7886 OozyProduct7886 replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

Can I be on console and pc please

ok but will it be public and when will it be released

OozyProduct7886 OozyProduct7886 commented a Work-In-Progress

Can I be on console and pc please

OozyProduct7886 OozyProduct7886 commented a Work-In-Progress

Because it needs to be released

OozyProduct7886 OozyProduct7886 commented a Work-In-Progress

Will it be released

OozyProduct7886 OozyProduct7886 commented a mod

can this be added onto console please because the mods on console has a bin but no garbage truck so it would be nice to have it put on to console for the garbage bins

OozyProduct7886 OozyProduct7886 commented a mod

Hi could this be added to consoles please

OozyProduct7886 OozyProduct7886 commented a mod

hi could this be added to console please because we need it on console

OozyProduct7886 OozyProduct7886 commented a Work-In-Progress

could this be on console please the excavator