

5 subscribers


PolishAgroFarm PolishAgroFarm commented a mod

Poradnik dla ćwierć inteligentów jak wgrać mapę !


PolishAgroFarm PolishAgroFarm replied to a comment on a mod

If you share mod its better just to make some compromise, adding custom files in original game dir is really bad idea.

Jebać Saymona

PolishAgroFarm PolishAgroFarm replied to a comment on a mod

If you share mod its better just to make some compromise, adding custom files in original game dir is really bad idea.

And at my place nothing shows any errors

PolishAgroFarm PolishAgroFarm replied to a comment on a mod

If you share mod its better just to make some compromise, adding custom files in original game dir is really bad idea.

It works for me for others too and that kidos from Poland can't swap files in the game is not my fault