

20 subscribers


Riccardo9 Riccardo9 replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

Is it 85% of the 3D model or the full mod? 🚜

@Levitract For the 3D model, but i have to do a little bit of animation, only blinkers and trasmission.

And in theory i have to remake normal and specular masks, but i haven't the specific program to do that.

Riccardo9 Riccardo9 replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress
Riccardo9 Riccardo9 added a post to a Work-In-Progress
Riccardo9 Riccardo9 replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

@Levitract Thankyou.

Riccardo9 Riccardo9 replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

daje sei un grande!

@federico  Grazie

Riccardo9 Riccardo9 added a post to a Work-In-Progress
Riccardo9 Riccardo9 replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

Will you upload this into modhub?

@Levitract Anyways, another post is coming today, really soon (if Kingmods will publish it quickly).

Riccardo9 Riccardo9 replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

Will you upload this into modhub?

@Levitract I think that the mod will be released in the start of april, because i have to do the animations, correct the headlights and convert the whole inteior.

Riccardo9 Riccardo9 replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

Will you upload this into modhub?

@Levitract After the end of the rework i will try to ask for permission to a FSIteam member.

Riccardo9 Riccardo9 replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

bellissimo spero sarà anche per console perché verrebbe scaricato da molti

@federico Tranquillo, comunque mi hai dato lo spunto di mandarlo su console, cercherò di farlo anche perchè voglio renderla disponibile per tutti.