

48 subscribers

A simple guy who likes tinkering with FS25 mods - especially placeables.


RolCeb RolCeb added a post to a Work-In-Progress
RolCeb RolCeb published a Work-In-Progress
RolCeb RolCeb replied to a comment on a mod

most likely another "edit" that changes literally nothing just to steal other people's work and make little money out of it... here is a link to the original mod:

the zip name and its contents' names are the same...

RolCeb RolCeb commented a mod

most likely another "edit" that changes literally nothing just to steal other people's work and make little money out of it... here is a link to the original mod:

RolCeb RolCeb added a post to a Work-In-Progress
RolCeb RolCeb replied to a comment on a mod

Nice, very well done! :)

thank you 😄

RolCeb RolCeb replied to a comment on a mod

very good :)

thanks 😁

RolCeb RolCeb replied to a comment on a mod

Zrobilbys z tego prefab? Fajnie by bylo miec takie ploty na wlasnej mapie

wątpię, ale raczej nie

RolCeb RolCeb replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

kiedy wychodzi mod bardzo mi sie przyda do budowania dobra robota

nie przeszły testów za pierwszym razem, MH odesłało mi 25. czerwca - obecnie jestem na wakacjach i nie mam przy sobie PC, więc jak wrócę to naprawię to co mi kazali i jeszcze raz odeślę