

264 subscribers


Scarvarg Scarvarg commented a mod

Is it inspired by my game play :D

Scarvarg Scarvarg replied to a comment on a mod

Is this coming to farming sim 22?

Maybe in the future.

Scarvarg Scarvarg replied to a comment on a mod

Where does the pallets suposed to spawn? They don't spawn after selecting ammount from the menu.

Great, thank you for your reply. They do appear but cannot stand next to the trigger. The can be spawned from a distance by using the in-game production dashboard.

Scarvarg Scarvarg replied to a comment on a mod

Super Mod dommage qu'elle soit en DIESEL et pas en Electrique si possible d'avoir une maj

I could make it into an electric but would have two cars selectable in the store, there is no other way arround it.

Scarvarg Scarvarg commented a mod

Where does the pallets suposed to spawn? They don't spawn after selecting ammount from the menu.

Scarvarg Scarvarg replied to a comment on a mod
Le farmeur alsacien

Possible de le mettre pour mac sur le modhub ?

Sorry but not at the moment.