

68 subscribers


scfmod scfmod replied to a comment on a mod

Bonjour, que ce soit l'ancienne version ou celle ci j'adore votre travail. et j'espère le retrouver sur Fs25. juste pour information je ne peut pas l'utiliser avec MAIZE+.

Thank you :-) FS25 version is planned, hopefully it will be available before end of the year/january.
I've never used MaizePlus, but I'll look into it.

scfmod scfmod replied to a comment on a mod
kikinat 37

bonjour je viens d'intallé le mods, je les dans mes mods intallé quand j'ouvre farming mais je ne les pas quand je lance ma partie, il y a t'il quelque chose a faire pour que je puisse avoir les machine dans ma partie? Merci de votre aide 😉

Did you check that the vehicles you are trying to use are actually supported? :) Try using some base game equipment and check that the mods you try using have supported configurations from the machines addon

scfmod scfmod replied to a comment on a mod

Is this something that like enables all of FSMiner's mods or just adds for various modhub mods?

The list of supported equipment/mods is available on the github page, not everything is added of course because that's a huge task. But if you (or someone else) creates a config and wants it added, feel free to file a new issue along with the config file on github.

scfmod scfmod replied to a comment on a mod
kikinat 37

bonjour je viens d'intallé le mods, je les dans mes mods intallé quand j'ouvre farming mais je ne les pas quand je lance ma partie, il y a t'il quelque chose a faire pour que je puisse avoir les machine dans ma partie? Merci de votre aide 😉

That's odd, everything works fine here. Did you download correct addons file? You should have a "" file in your mods folder along with ""

scfmod scfmod replied to a comment on a mod
kikinat 37

bonjour je viens d'intallé le mods, je les dans mes mods intallé quand j'ouvre farming mais je ne les pas quand je lance ma partie, il y a t'il quelque chose a faire pour que je puisse avoir les machine dans ma partie? Merci de votre aide 😉

Did you put both this mod and TerraFarm in your mods folder? (get the latest TerraFarm version from github)

scfmod scfmod replied to a comment on a mod

How do I add new mod configuration to it?

There's documentation on the GitHub page and you can use this addon mod as an example/base for adding more configurators:

scfmod scfmod replied to a comment on a mod
Eduardo bh

Dude this is insane, you can call it Terra Farm 2 now
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥,but how do we add new tools to this farm land

😅 There's documentation on the GitHub page. You can also use this addon mod as basis for adding new configurations, instead of adding to TerraFarm mod file (which is not recommended):