

217 subscribers


SeviModding SeviModding replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

very very nice <3

@Meric Thank you!

SeviModding SeviModding added a post to a Work-In-Progress
SeviModding SeviModding added a post to a Work-In-Progress
SeviModding SeviModding published a Work-In-Progress
SeviModding SeviModding replied to a comment on a mod

como siempre lucrándose de los trabajos de los demás, RATA 
as always profiting from the work of others, RAT.

@raulycristi1 A mi me puedes llamar rata me puedes decir lo que quieras yo solo intento que la gente disfrute

SeviModding SeviModding replied to a comment on a mod

Hey  i have start a new carreer with you map is very good and beautifull :)

@Ruskof68 Thank You!

SeviModding SeviModding replied to a comment on a mod

Nicht nur das man nur die ganze map kaufen kann, es wird auch die log mit Warnings und errors zugemüllt. Warum wird nicht vor der veröffentlichung getestet?

@farmerfeuerfalke Es una version "BETA"

SeviModding SeviModding replied to a comment on a mod

@Hispano Modding Hombre sigues vivo Javier