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Silentthelost Silentthelost replied to a comment on a mod

i just downloaded this mod, and when i went to use it, i got into Fpv and everything was upside down 
idk if thats only me having that issue but i thought i should let ya know

@FSMR thanks for the reply, i will see if its just in my settings then :D

Silentthelost Silentthelost commented a mod

i just downloaded this mod, and when i went to use it, i got into Fpv and everything was upside down 
idk if thats only me having that issue but i thought i should let ya know

Silentthelost Silentthelost replied to a comment on a mod

is this "stolen" ?

@nunya i believe this is blacksheep moddings trex600 from fs22, so yes i believe its stolen

Silentthelost Silentthelost replied to a comment on a mod

someone literally made and uploaded this to modhub 5 days ago.

its the same person it looks like

Silentthelost Silentthelost commented a mod

can you make one without those wheels?