

0 subscribers


tacedk tacedk commented a mod

dont  work with ai  workers

and for all othera plz type in english then all have a chance to understand what you write

tacedk tacedk commented a mod

would it be possible to  make it fit the gta380 too

tacedk tacedk commented a mod

Great mod love the sound but a few problems 1 the grain auger is a pain  even with a not too high trailer as the Rudolph 301 RP
2 the support leg on the header trailer sinks into the ground.
but honest love the beastely look of the Don ........Keep up the great work

tacedk tacedk commented a mod

gim and png files give fail warnings at mp servers

tacedk tacedk rated a mod
tacedk tacedk commented a mod

sad it dont have the right kvernland colors at the springs and wheel hub

tacedk tacedk commented a mod

file not found

tacedk tacedk commented a mod

crappy to force ppl to register to download