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wow wow replied to a comment on a mod

i wonder how many more times we will see literaly reuplaod of this car, and Kingmods just approving it

the more the merrier

wow wow replied to a comment on a mod

i wonder how many more times we will see literaly reuplaod of this car, and Kingmods just approving it

who carrreees

wow wow commented a mod


wow wow replied to a comment on a mod

Nice map but sadly let down like many other british . Irish , scotish maps by excessive use of hedges that act like walls honest a medium tractor will just plow trugh the hedge not breaking a sweat + dirtroads is way too bumpy makes me wonder if the map maker even did a testplay on rhe map before releasing it

just leave it. my mans just waffling

wow wow commented a mod

sick model mate but most mod car that has been made in real life are autos. in game they all seem to manual's and its non other then a pain even when it says auto when purchasing the car in the specs but that's just shite fs for u. might be better if you label it as cvt or just not at all like the standard fs truck

wow wow commented a mod

its great but i think the break pressure can do with changing a bit

wow wow commented a mod

going to be used on your upcoming map. mannn i cant waitttttttt

wow wow commented a mod

wow this is sick

wow wow replied to a comment on a mod

la lamboghini la Lamborghini

wow wow replied to a comment on a mod

transmission a auto but it manual in game. god fs is stupid

okay cheers i wonder why mines being all odd then. to be honest it does it with loads of FS cars