

47 subscribers


Zzerkow Zzerkow rated a mod
Zzerkow Zzerkow replied to a comment on a mod
Etoile de Feu

Hâte de voir la nouvelle mise à jour (avec une protection forestière, elle serait parfaite).

Hello, la mise à jour est en cours de préparation avec protection forestière et correction du décalage pour les outils Forestiers

Zzerkow Zzerkow replied to a comment on a mod

ce serai possible de faire la même en 25 ou 35tonnes svp ?

Hello, ca va être compliqué mais une nouvelle mise à jour arrive

Zzerkow Zzerkow replied to a comment on a mod

Hello! love the mod, but just one thing i notice is that i tried to edit it so i can attach other buckets to the steelwrist but i dont seem to get it to work, same with the bulldozer blade, i cant attach a bucket to it. can you maybe update it so you can attach a wheeloader bucket on the buldozer blade and maybe add forks aswell?

Hello, a new update is in preparation

Zzerkow Zzerkow replied to a comment on a mod

Hello, great mod, but you should increase the opening angle of the bucket otherwise the mod is great 👍️

ok but i was talking about the rear bucket not the front to dig closer to the vehicle

Zzerkow Zzerkow commented a mod

Hello, great mod, but you should increase the opening angle of the bucket otherwise the mod is great 👍️

Zzerkow Zzerkow rated a mod
Zzerkow Zzerkow rated a mod