Search results for grain

281 results
  • 875 Grain Cart
    1 174
    JM Manufacturing 875-18 - Price: $37,900 - Capacity: 30,834 liters Features: - Mitas, Lizard, Michelin, Continental and BKT tires - Main color configuration - Bin extension color configuration - 3 different decal styles
  • Grain Hall
    2 712
    Category: Sheds Price: $80,00 Monthly upkeep: $10 Configurations: Solar roof and color change
  • Grain Flourmill
    1 351
    KingMods Logo
    Published by KingMods
    This pack contains a Grain Flourmill in an older European style. Functionallity: like the ingame grainmill you can store, sell and proces grain products. Category: Productions Price: $288,000 Monthly upkeep: $50 Products: Wheat, Barley, Oat, Sorghum, Rice, Flour, RiceFlour Option: Two texture variations available
  • IMAK Grain Trailer CG 28500
    1 290
    KingMods Logo
    Published by KingMods
    IMAK Grain Trailer CG 28500 The IMAK CG 28500 offers efficient bulk grain transport and a fast unloading system, ideal for optimizing logistics during harvest, ensuring productivity and safety. - Price: $35.000 - Power requirement: 160 HP - Capacity: 28500 L
  • Grain Dryer
    5 867
    Dry your crops to reduce overall total volume while increasing profits! The dryer requires auger pipes for filling and unloading. Thanks to the multi chamber system you can run all three crops at the same time without reducing the throughput capacity. Also works with silo extensions to increase storage capacity. - Grain Dryer - Inputs: Corn, Wheat, Barley Outputs: Dry Corn, Dry Wheat, Dry Barley The outputs are bulk fills with modified textures. Price: 145,000 $ Capacity: 450,000 Liters Dries 150,000 liters into 135,000 liters of each crop per month at a cost of 720$. - SellPoint - Price: 500 $ Note: This mod is available to be used in modded maps without dependency. You may alter is as you see fit. This permission applies to mod maps ONLY.
  • Grain crusher with shed
    3 264
    Hello, here is a factory that allows you to crush barley, wheat and mäis. Once you have crushed them, you can sell them in different points of sale. In the mod, it is included -Graincase: Grain: Price: € 45,000 Daily interview: 40 € -Shed Price: € 15,000 Daily maintenance: 10 € ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- !!! 3D directed by @ML Agri !!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
  • Grain Hall
    1 831
    KingMods Logo
    Published by KingMods
    Grain Hall - Price: $50.000 - Daily upkeep: $20 /day Grain Hall without inside wall - Price: $50.000 - Daily upkeep: $20 /day
  • Grain Storage With Hen House
    2 206
    KingMods Logo
    Published by KingMods
    A model inspired by a real building. It is a combination of a grain warehouse, a garage and a small hen house. The building is available for purchase in the Animals -> HENS tab I recommend turning on the interactive zone markers to see where the triggers responsible for changing the texture (plaster or brick) on the back and side walls are located. -Price: 80.000 $ -Maintenance cost: 50 $ per day -Barn capacity: 50 chickens.
  • 36FT Grain Bins
    3 001
    Two 36FT grain silos, in Sioux and MFS versions which can store 660,905L of grains! Price: €47,500 Capacity: 660,905L/silo
  • Demco 850 Grain Cart Edit
    2 354
    KingMods Logo
    Published by KingMods
    An edit of the base Demco 850 Grain Cart Added Strobes Added Colors Updated Capacity (100.000L) Updated Unload Speed
  • Automatic Grain Sampler
    4 536
    KingMods Logo
    Published by KingMods
    This object is for decoration and is used in real life to check the quality of the grain. The object can be found in build menu under decorations. The Lizard logos can be configured on and off. -Price: 10.000$ -Daily maintenance: 5$
  • Multi Grain Production
    3 635
    KingMods Logo
    Published by KingMods
    A multi use production for making flour,and bread. All base game recipes for flour and bread with four new products, whole wheat flour, whole wheat bread, corn flower, and corn tortilla. I aslo included a selling station for the new items. Category: Productions Price: $55,000 Production Recipes: Flour recipes 20 Wheat to 15 Flour 100 with cycles an hour 15 Oats to 15 Flour 100 with cycles an hour 15 Rice to 15 Flour 100 with cycles an hour Bread recipes 25 Flour to 20 Bread 50 with cycles an hour 25 Rice Flour to 20 Bread 50 with cycles an hour New item recipes Whole Wheat Flour recipe 20 Wheat to 20 Whole Wheat Flour with 100 cycles per hour Corn Flour recipe 20 Corn to 20 Corn Flour with 100 cycles per hour Whole Wheat Bread recipe 25 Corn Flour to 20 Whole Wheat Bread with 50 cycles per hour Corn Tortilla recipe 25 Corn Flour to 20 Corn Tortilla with 50 cycles per hour