Oklahoma USA 2017 Map

  • Oklahoma USA 2017 Map
  • Oklahoma USA 2017 Map
  • Oklahoma USA 2017 Map
  • Oklahoma USA 2017 Map
  • Oklahoma USA 2017 Map
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This is the rebuild of my FS15 Oklahoma USA map for FS17. Still 4X map with 51 fields. Now includes factories which are listed further below. Unzip the file to find the map file along with the zzz_cropMowing file necessary to mow the alfalfa and clover–if you already have this from another map, you don’t need this version as I just included for those who may not have it yet.

Lots of changes from the ’15 version. There are now 5 farms–main, farms1-3, and the livestock farm which now houses ALL animals. You can buy additional chickens inside the building attached to the pen. More sell points added. Any fields separated by “mowable” grass can be plowed together. There are 2 good sized forests–a Spruce farm in the NE corner behind the dealership and a mixed one NE of Mary’s farm.

Here are some other details straight from the README located in the Credits.txt file included with the download:
–Map is setup for use with choppedStraw, clipDistanceFPS, and Seasons Mod–highly recommend all!
–PDA Map shows all factories/production facilities in GREEN–these do not have to be used if you prefer straight farming map.
–Map setup with custom Seasons Mod weather and temps but will be overwritten by any GEO mods that are used.
–Hayfields (hayF1/hayF2/hayF3 marked on pda) can be resown without plowing–Courseplay will recognize boundaries by using “detect” function
–Speeding up time beyond 120 can cause problems with fields being properly planted/cultivated by AI–do at your own risk
–All 51 fields feature missions (good luck doing 6 or 13 though) ;D
–Bank of Hagensted mod works allowing for leasing/selling of fields–However, just know that even after selling/lease lapse, Courseplay will still show field as selectable
–Cannot fill water from ponds–water pump houses are located at each farm
–zzz_cropMowing must be in your mods folder to be able to mow Alfalfa and Clover–GreenMowing Mod does not work per my testing and will likely conflict with zzz_cropMowing–I would not have both in mods folder
–Cotton Gin accepts both cotton bales and loose cotton so you are free to harvest it how you like
–All farm silos only accept cereal grains plus seeds and seeds2–peanuts, cotton, potatoes, and sugarBeets will have to be stored in piles or sold
–Lime and compost both function as fertilizer–Lime is used in dry fert spreaders/compost in manure spreaders
–Each farm has a level placeables area–size varies by farm with the largest(marked on PDA) at the main farm–an additional area is available SW of Dairy (marked on PDA)
–Starting money is: 5MM on easy, 3.5MM on normal, and 2MM on hard–Extra cash can be found for those willing to make a splash and maybe a fool of themselves in public

Sugar–input: sugarBeet or sorghum(milo) and water output: sugar pallet
Brewery–input: wheat, barley, and water output: beer pallet
CompostMaster2K7–input: potato/sugarBeet/chaff/silage/grass/hay/woodChips/manure/straw and fuel output: compost(functions like fertilizer)
Bread–input: flour pallet, water, and sugar pallet output: bread pallet
Biscuit–input: oat, flour pallet, butter pallet, and sugar pallet output: biscuit pallet
Soy Plant–input: soybean, water, and fuel output: liquidManure, milk, and pigFood
Sawmill–input: fuel and logs output: woodChips and pallet
iceCream–input: milk, cream pallet, and sugar pallet output: iceCream pallet
dairy–input: milk output: cream pallet and butter pallet
Flour–input: Grains(rye/oat/wheat/barley/maize) output: flour pallet
Lumber–input: straw/wool/woodChips and logs output: board pallet and woodChips
Lime–input: fuel output: lime(functions like dry fertilizer)
Refinery–input: rape output: fuel, forage, and digestate
Tims Tables–input: logs output: table pallet
Bens Joinery–input: logs output: barrels, cargoBox, and pallet
Greenhouses–input: water, compost, and manure output: cauliflower/melon/tomato/pumpkin/lettuce pallet

Known issues/bugs:
–Multiplayer will throw an error based on the starting money setup–just “comment out” or delete the money part from ModMap.lua found in the “scripts” file to eliminate
–Log is clean for single player–If you are getting any errors, you have a mod conflict
–HIGHLY recommend running this map as the only map in your mods folder to avoid conflicts

  • Giants
  • Map creator: cjwilksy
  • Base map: modMapTemplateV7 by Stevie
  • Map Testers: lostaviator
  • txzar
  • jb3pc4sale
  • slowboat
  • canhlr
  • fordman992
  • and wayner1a7
  • Soil color textures files: made with tool available on Giants Developer Network
  • Skybox: oxygendavid and bulletbill (used with permission)
  • clipDistanceFPS: Ian898 - Frontier Design
  • Grain dryer with fans: JohnDeere1952
  • American Hog shed: 812farmer
  • Ranch Fencing: Sandgropper
  • Farm Fencing: Sandgropper
  • Numerous Farm Buildings: CBJ Midwest Modding
  • LMS Buildings by LazyModStudios Modding
  • SukupBinPack by ThompsonM06
  • Hutchinson grain pump pack: musicman
  • Anhydrous Tanks by IB055
  • Powerlines & Coops by DocElyoc
  • Road Construction Kit v3 - Fatian -Texture by blueweb
  • Guard Rails - Fendt512
  • WoodenSigns - Thunderace
  • Radio Tower - Raptor5
  • John Deere Vehicle Shop: somethingonmyshoe
  • McDonalds - Basti_66
  • Barns - Axel of Sweden
  • Trucks - seba j
  • bigmigmag
  • workshop equipment - JauchenPaule
  • Bridge - Fatian
  • CoverAll Building - Fraser Cow
  • PavementMarkings - FrankWienberg
  • Neuero NL10 Grain Bins: Kyosho's-Modfactory
  • White and Black tin textures: RANDOMSparks
  • Metal Fence posts: LMBFarmer
  • Hayshed: JDB14
  • Various objects used from the following maps: UMRV
  • Mills County
  • County Line
  • Elkhorn River Bottom
  • Ozark Hills
  • and Old Mill Farms.