Coin de l'Eure

37 suscriptores

Este trabajo en progreso ha sido archivado. Esto puede deberse a un largo período de inactividad o a una decisión del autor. No podemos saber si se volverá a actualizar más adelante o no.

The map progresses more and more

I can almost finished the first farm just I have to correct and add something to make it more realistic
I started to create a small town and make a little corner with Autovision, landscaping structure and some other house

I have a little problem I do not know how to make the cow stall functional I continue to watch but its still hard

Coin de l'Eure
Coin de l'Eure
Coin de l'Eure

C'est quoi ton problème avec la stabulation ?
Où tu n'arrives pas à placer les vaches sur ta Map.. si c'est le cas donne ton discord je te contacterai. Bon courage


prend ton temp, ca as l'air cool

It is progressing little by little

Hi everybody,
I have made progress on the Coin de l'Eure map project, it is still hard for me to find time to continue,
despite some technical problems I advance it
I am attaching you some photo of the advancement it's really not much but I haven't been in for a very long time
Thank you for your feedback and comments,
I will keep you informed as soon as possible on the progress of the map

Coin de l'Eure
Coin de l'Eure
Coin de l'Eure

pas mal ! bonne continuation pour ta map ! ;)