This Work-In-Progress has been archived. This may be due to a long period of inactivity or due to the author's decision. We cannot know if it will be updated again later or not.
*Se corrigieron algunos errores
*Reparación de llantas y rines.
*Se arregló el motor y los sonidos.
*Se agregó interior personalizado, faldón lateral, guardabarros, barras protectoras y mucho más.
I hope you will find time and the energy to finish it. I think we are many who will stick with FS22 and it would be fun with such a good looking Scania in fs22
Se agregaron configuraciones XT con soporte para arado.
Configuraciones de motor agregadas R500-770
Bullbar, luces extra, interior y más entre los que puedes elegir
Looks amazing ive been looking for a mod with hooklift and a working grader blade. cant wait to try it.