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205 suscriptores
DJModding replied to a comment on a mod

I'm still having problems with removing the grass and bushes when I want to modify the grounds, does anyone know how I can fix this?

this is fixed in version 2.0,
Paint regular grass over the weeds, and then delete again.

DJModding replied to a comment on a mod

how do i add propane to the bins for corn

just dump propane in same place you dump grains

DJModding replied to a comment on a mod

impossible de lancer une partie sur cette carte, rendu a 68% le jeu s'éteint. Je joue sur steam quelqu'un aurait-il une idée du pourquoi du comment?

Change to DX_11 in game.xmls

DJModding replied to a comment on a mod

I love the map, only issue so far is a warning comes up saying there are too many trees.

Install more tree mod

DJModding has a mod placed in a Weekly King's Choice
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