

42 suscriptores


Elfs Elfs respondió a un comentario sobre un mod

I tried the mod with crop rotation and it works so far it seems. But is it possible that everytime you load into your game, new yields are being calculated despite having saved the game? I saved my game when my potato field had a yield of 381.000l/ha according to the info display. When I reloaded my saved game it was only 269.000.
I tested it again. It really seems that the mod calculates a new vield for your savegame, everytime you load into it. That's unfortunate and too random for me sadly. Otherwise the mod would be great. maybe you can change that in the future :D

Yep, pretty much. Would spend more time to tinker with this mod, but new version is coming real soon, so I'll do that on a newer version, if it won't have it by default

Elfs Elfs respondió a un comentario sobre un mod

I tried the mod with crop rotation and it works so far it seems. But is it possible that everytime you load into your game, new yields are being calculated despite having saved the game? I saved my game when my potato field had a yield of 381.000l/ha according to the info display. When I reloaded my saved game it was only 269.000.
I tested it again. It really seems that the mod calculates a new vield for your savegame, everytime you load into it. That's unfortunate and too random for me sadly. Otherwise the mod would be great. maybe you can change that in the future :D

Yep, it still will change the next month. How much land do you have, that you can't harvest in one month? 😅

Elfs Elfs respondió a un comentario sobre un mod

I tried the mod with crop rotation and it works so far it seems. But is it possible that everytime you load into your game, new yields are being calculated despite having saved the game? I saved my game when my potato field had a yield of 381.000l/ha according to the info display. When I reloaded my saved game it was only 269.000.
I tested it again. It really seems that the mod calculates a new vield for your savegame, everytime you load into it. That's unfortunate and too random for me sadly. Otherwise the mod would be great. maybe you can change that in the future :D

Managed to somewhat fix this problem, as long as you save a game and reload into it before the harvest. Harvest yield values will be saved for the rest of the day/month.

Elfs Elfs respondió a un comentario sobre un mod

Hi, nice work! But i have this warnings on log (also in all others mod), it's possible to fix them for next update please??

2024-05-22 05:13 Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_YieldFluctuation_Hard/icon_YieldFluct.dds raw format.
2024-05-22 05:13 Warning: CPU mip generation code activated for texture 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_YieldFluctuation_Hard/icon_YieldFluct.dds' - please build mips for this image
2024-05-22 05:14 Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_YieldFluctuation_Hard/icon_YieldFluct.dds raw format.
2024-05-22 05:14 Warning: CPU mip generation code activated for texture 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_YieldFluctuation_Hard/icon_YieldFluct.dds' - please build mips for this image

Sorry for the long delay, but I've fixed those errors in the log.

Elfs Elfs respondió a un comentario sobre un mod

Hi @elfs, i downloaded this through modhub, but i have this warnings below, it's possible to fix them in a next update please?

2024-06-03 04:57 Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_YieldFluctuation_medium/icon_YieldFluct.dds raw format.
2024-06-03 04:57 Warning: CPU mip generation code activated for texture 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_YieldFluctuation_medium/icon_YieldFluct.dds' - please build mips for this image

Also this error:

2024-06-03 17:21 Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_YieldFluctuation_medium/RandomYield.lua:16: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'yield' (a nil value)
2024-06-03 17:21 Warning: DensityMapVisualizationOverlay is being reset, because a DensityMap it refers to was deleted.

I just recently released it on modhub and already it's outdated on modhub, but this version won't have that error in logs anymore, fixed it.

Elfs Elfs respondió a un comentario sobre un mod

Hello to you, I don't understand how to reload and save via the backup file, I don't understand, could you explain further? Thanks to you

On the day/month when you're about to harvest the fields, save the game and quit the game (not completely, just to the main screen), there load up that save file. From then on, no matter how often you quit the game and load up the save, the value will be the same one, that was calculated after "reload", next month values for yields will be recalculated as normal.

If you have any more quesitons, feels free to ask :)