

4 suscriptores

ES: Jugador de Farming Simulator, haciendo sus pinitos en la modificacion. Tambien Soy embajador de Giants Software en españa.

EN: Farming Simulator player, making his first steps in the modification. I am also an ambassador for Giants Software in Spain.

DE: Farming Simulator-Spieler, der seine ersten Schritte in der Modifikation macht. Ich bin auch Botschafter für Giants Software in Spanien.

FR: Joueur de Farming Simulator, faisant ses premiers pas dans la modification. Je suis également ambassadeur de Giants Software en Espagne.


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Funjetor Funjetor respondió a un comentario sobre un mod

Great mod, a little fiddly to figure out how to work them once that was accomplished they works very well thank you.

We are always open to community tutorials for other languages, as we currently only have the tutorial for Spanish. Any questions come to our community and we will help you!

Funjetor Funjetor clasificado como mod
Funjetor Funjetor comentó un mod

no tienen movimiento verdad?

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Funjetor Funjetor respondió a un comentario sobre un mod

thank you for the EN version!

whenever possible, it will be!, we only need German =(