Jay Staff

Jay Staff

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Jay Staff Jay Staff clasificado como mod
Jay Staff Jay Staff clasificado como mod
Jay Staff Jay Staff clasificado como mod
Jay Staff Jay Staff respondió a un comentario sobre un mod
Jay Staff

Thanks for this mod, an idea for a possible update soon, combine RealGPS with the future PrecisionFarming, it would be top to see the yield in real time for exemple. Although I think it will be difficult to script this.

@BayernGamers It's a shame for Giants, it would have added so much realism.

Jay Staff Jay Staff comentó un mod

Thanks for this mod, an idea for a possible update soon, combine RealGPS with the future PrecisionFarming, it would be top to see the yield in real time for exemple. Although I think it will be difficult to script this.

Jay Staff Jay Staff clasificado como mod
Jay Staff Jay Staff clasificado como mod
Jay Staff Jay Staff clasificado como mod