

137 suscriptores

If you've found your way here, it means you're interested in my work :-) I'm glad you like what I do! You probably can't wait for the next packs either. I'm doing my best to restore as many working features as possible. I also have special unpublished content for fans who buy me a proverbial coffee and contact me in a private message, BUT don't say a word to anyone because it's a secret. ;-) Thanks again for checking out my profile and have fun with the mods o/


Wrobelmen Wrobelmen respondió a un comentario sobre un mod

Warning (performance) GLS contains raw audio format

@criss20ster Yes, I know, but I have no idea how to edit this file to get rid of the error :D. I would be grateful for any tips.

Wrobelmen Wrobelmen respondió a un comentario sobre un mod

The Claas Trion has no sound, it’s broken. Please update it. Thanks

@FJax The appearance of the lexion on the icon differs between versions so I decided to add the older model as well, if you really want to delete it just overwrite the trion750.xml sound file "vehicles/claas/lexion8000/sounds/lexion8000_loop.gls" to "$data/vehicles/claas/lexion8900/sounds/lexion8000_loop.gls" But some errors may occur if they changed the content of the .gls file. Or leave the lexion 8000 folder with a single sounds folder and two files inside, that will be the fastest

Wrobelmen Wrobelmen respondió a un comentario sobre un mod

The Claas Trion has no sound, it’s broken. Please update it. Thanks

@FJax Claas Trion takes sounds from lexion 8900 If you don't get any errors in the game logs then unfortunately I can't help you, I started a clean save and I have all the sounds of both vehicles. Please check if the sound settings in the game are not somehow magically affecting it. Graphic options definitely affect the vehicle lights because you can make separate settings for low and high graphics quality.

Wrobelmen Wrobelmen respondió a un comentario sobre un mod

The Claas Trion has no sound, it’s broken. Please update it. Thanks

@FJax Are you sure that some other mod/script is not affecting the operation of your vehicles?

Wrobelmen Wrobelmen respondió a un comentario sobre un mod

não é possível carregar a semeadora de fertilizantes e sementes.

@rural22 The triggers are 100% correct, sometimes you have to get in and out of the vehicle for this option to appear. This bug was known from fs22.

Wrobelmen Wrobelmen respondió a un comentario sobre un mod

gps padrao nao está funcionando

@hgmodding I honestly haven't played around with the new gps system yet so I don't know how to implement it. But I'll add it to the list, once I finish releasing the basic vehicle packs I'll definitely implement the new functionality into everything.

Wrobelmen Wrobelmen clasificado como mod
Wrobelmen Wrobelmen respondió a un comentario sobre un mod

Bien le bonjour a vous et bravo pour le taf
petite question 
y aura t-il d'autre pack comme celui ci ou pas ?
car pris deja tous les autres 
d'avance merci pour tout 
bonne semaine a vous 
cordialement : Bouli du 45......

@Bouli Yes, they will be different because I haven't restored all the missing vehicles yet. But I don't know when yet, I'll get to it when I find some time.

Wrobelmen Wrobelmen respondió a un comentario sobre un mod

Is it possible to maybe add the Claas Sunspeed header?

@GoldenEagle0924 Was it in the basic version of fs22 and I missed it?