Au fil des années

  • Au fil des années
  • Au fil des années
  • Au fil des années
  • Au fil des années
  • Au fil des années
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Publié par KingMods
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Are you yearning for the days of old? Looking for an extra challenge? Wanting to play a bit different than you've done before? Want to play with machines that you've typically never done before?

Through the Years will take you and your friends through the years, unlocking newer and more powerful machinery each year as you progress.

With heavy customization for your specific wants, this mod will restrict your buying options to the vehicles available at the time of your game. With a starting year as low as 1950, you can work your way from tractors with less than 50 horsepower and plows with 2 furrows, to the new and powerful machinery of the modern agricultural world.

This mods adds a completely new layer of progression as you know from so many other simulation games, and you will get to play with machines that you've probably never tried before.

The absolutely majority of the basegame vehicles are very modern, so this mod works best with the use of other mods. Which mods to use it completely up to you, but at you will find a curated selection of vehicle bundles (based on data from to help you getting the highest rated mods from a specific decade.

The behavior of each category can be configured, as well as providing support for having at least 1 vehicles per function so you don't have to wait until 2008 to start potato harvesting.

Note: This mod follow the in-game years which change in March (not January), so a year change happens when going from February to March, and not December to January.

Please report any issues or post any suggestion for the mod at

Fixed issue with new game without an existing savegameDirectory which caused the game to stop
Added additional data validation of years to prevent type mismatches in certain cases.
Updated the icon to be more visible
Sales items will now be shown again
Combintations are now properly filtered
Contract machines are now properly filtered
Fixed issue with notification on initial load
Fix fatal issue when selling vehicles without years in multiplayer
Fixed bug with sales items disappearing on relog
Fixed bug where items were not available on year change
Added support for replacing mission vehicles with what is available
Fixed bug with mission vehicles not having proper filenames
Refactored "minimum one" option so that it applies per category instead of global. This will break existing settings for this mod, so make sure to recheck the settings after updating.

  • - Correction d'un bug avec les véhicules de mission n'ayant pas de noms de fichiers appropriés
    - Option "minimum un" refactorisée afin qu'elle s'applique par catégorie plutôt que globalement. Cela brisera les paramètres existants pour ce mod, alors assurez-vous de revérifier les paramètres après la mise à jour.

  • Correction d'un bug avec les articles de vente disparaissant lors de la reconnexion
    Correction d'un bug où les objets n'étaient pas disponibles lors du changement d'année
    Ajout de la prise en charge du remplacement des véhicules de mission par ce qui est disponible

  • Correction d'un problème fatal lors de la vente de véhicules sans années en multijoueur

  • Mise à jour de l'icône pour être plus visible
    Les articles en vente seront désormais à nouveau affichés
    Les combinaisons sont désormais correctement filtrées
    Les machines sous contrat sont désormais correctement filtrées
    Correction d'un problème avec la notification lors du chargement initial

  • Ajout d'une validation de données supplémentaire sur les années pour éviter les incompatibilités de types dans certains cas.

  • Correction d'un problème avec un nouveau jeu sans répertoire de sauvegarde existant, ce qui provoquait l'arrêt du jeu.

  • Thalley