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mod çıktıgından beri oynuyorum gerçekten güzel bir harita ama ana yol boyunca büyük bir şehir pazar alanı vb şeyler olsa harita gerçekten fs22 nin en güzel modu olabilir

Okay, but there isn't even a neighbor on the map. The places where products are sold are random, at least it would be better if there was a village with 10 or 20 houses either along the main road or in the mountains. It would be really nice if there were sales points and market areas in this village. I understand that you really don't want to leave, but you are on the map. You have to do it for the good, believe me, it is the only game and map that I have been playing every day since the first day it was released. I never criticize the map, I just ask you to make it better.

alisar alisar a commenté un mod

mod çıktıgından beri oynuyorum gerçekten güzel bir harita ama ana yol boyunca büyük bir şehir pazar alanı vb şeyler olsa harita gerçekten fs22 nin en güzel modu olabilir

alisar alisar a commenté un Work-In-Progress

modu artık tamamlarmısın

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gerçekten süper bir mod tebrikler

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fs22 ye de bekliyoruz

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bu modu fs22 de çıkartırmısınız

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arkasında koltuk olan dolmuş tarzı mod yaparmısın

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Could you please complete your work in progress as a beautiful minibus?

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Please release the same mod on FS22