

13 abonnés


Anthicz Anthicz a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Is anyone having issues deleting the structure once placed? Im trying to rearange my farm and it wont delete.

@MidnightRose hello I really sorry for that but looks like it will be some conflict of mods. I deleted and built many times

Anthicz Anthicz a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Nie działa

@MAIAMI whats not working? I have thousands downloads and only you says does not work :D

Anthicz Anthicz a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

tu porrai faire la meme pour le 25

@lucifer isnt already CR11 with all functions there? :D

Anthicz Anthicz a noté un mod
Anthicz Anthicz a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Wow! Incredible, such an awesome mod. The original mod was already great, but this update adds so much more to it.

@MangoLoco thank you enjoy 😁

Anthicz Anthicz a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod
Jerome 24

Salut  c est impossible a télécharger son ton site

@Jerome 24 I see that ppl downloaded that mod many times so I think problem is on your side sorry

Anthicz Anthicz a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

update the mod with some good configurations or accurate parameters instead of doing nothing and watching as some other people steal your mod uploading it as their own

@MangoLoco is already submited and waiting for release here on kingmods