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Astina Astina a commenté un mod

1. Headers are too high off the ground
2. Still no rear beacons?

Astina Astina a noté un mod
Astina Astina a commenté un mod

Awesome mod! Teleskid next?

Astina Astina a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod
NewHollandFTW Mods

Aweosme combine mate! Just a question are you going to do an update in the future? Like removing the EU signs either side? Other then that 5 stars!

@NewHollandFTW Mods pretty sure that's an EU model, so they remain.

Astina Astina a commenté un mod

Sorry, but the map is not playable for me. I don't like the grass destruction at all. Unless there's a way to turn this off, I will not play this map

Astina Astina a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Vegane Fleischproduktion ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

@Willi0814 Soy meat.

Astina Astina a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Looks nothing like a Passat

@Starlexs i see so many Passats I wanna gouge my eyes out.

Astina Astina a noté un mod
Astina Astina a commenté un mod

Looks nothing like a Passat

Astina Astina a commenté un mod

Nevermind, I fixed it myself