

17 abonnés

polish dude who makes mods
i started wrongly and i stole mods in the past im sorry for that...


barczel barczel a noté un mod
barczel barczel a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Missing texutres:/

@Ben6145R it has textures in the folder u have u assign them to the speaker

barczel barczel a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod
King Johnny Mods

xD Zdjecia z innego moda

@King Johnny Mods fakt ze zdj są z innego moda co jest idiotyzem tak samo jak mod pewnie

barczel barczel a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod
King Johnny Mods

xD Zdjecia z innego moda

@King Johnny Mods przypominam ze ty wydajesz takie zwalone ulepy do fs25 brony lewitujące zapadający się pług więc hrzecznie usuń sie wgl co to za nazwa king ty chuj nie king nic nie umiesz cyferka w moddescu i co mod do fs25 XDDDD

barczel barczel a noté un mod
barczel barczel a publié un mod
barczel barczel a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod
The Farming Trio

Great map, very well detailed. A couple bugs that you can take note of: 
- Field 12 spawns with half of it being one crop and the other half being another crop
- No sell points (lots of buildings that look like they would have sell points normally)
- No warehouse (so you can buy pallets to make construction items)
- Buildings are for some reason have no collision while walking but while using vehicles they do? (very odd bug lol)
- Shop spawns vehicles the wrong direction (not a big problem just makes it annoying because you have to turn around to leave)
- American styled license plates (this is a Polish map so it should have the European ones)
- Not really a bug and I'm assuming this will be updated in the future to be larger, it's quite a small map but outside the tree lines there is a very large amount of land, I do hope this gets bigger in the future. 

Can't wait to get my series on this map started up and I do hope these bugs get fixed as it is a beautiful map.

@The Farming Trio  honestly i will make another map

barczel barczel a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

It says download unavailable

@StarKillerMT bc i crashed the link update soon bc the map herę is trash

barczel barczel a noté un mod
barczel barczel a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

File not found

@barczel on my profile