

30 abonnés


D3ff0 D3ff0 a noté un mod
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bonjour le fichier est indisponible

@XdXDavidou Yes, sorry, this file is deleted. The new link is here https://www.kingmods.net/en/fs25/mods/58590/john-deere-4755

D3ff0 D3ff0 a noté un mod
D3ff0 D3ff0 a commenté un mod

Tento skin jsem vytvořil už v FS19 a jsem rád, že se při každém dílu najde někdo, kdo sečku převede a opět přivede k životu :)

D3ff0 D3ff0 a noté un mod
D3ff0 D3ff0 a commenté un mod

Super machine, thanks. But it has some problems in the log. Will there be an update?

D3ff0 D3ff0 a commenté un mod

Super mod, thank you for your work with the conversion. But the log is not clean.The front hydraulics have some problems
Warning (C:/Users/wotkl/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_JohnDeere_8000/jd8000.xml): 'vehicle.attacherJoints.attacherJointConfigurations.attacherJointConfiguration(4).attacherJoint(0).topArm#color' is not supported anymore, use 'vehicle.attacherJoints.attacherJointConfigurations.attacherJointConfiguration(4).attacherJoint(0).topArm#materialTemplateName' instead!
And wheels too 
Warning (C:/Users/wotkl/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_JohnDeere_8000/jd8000.xml): 'vehicle.wheels.wheelConfigurations.wheelConfiguration(1).wheels.wheel(0).tire#isCareWheel' is not supported anymore, use 'vehicle.wheels.wheelConfigurations.wheelConfiguration(1).wheels.wheel(0)#isCareWheel' instead!

D3ff0 D3ff0 a noté un mod
D3ff0 D3ff0 a noté un mod